5 revolutionary Instagram posts to optimize your business mindset

Floral designers can use Instagram posts to enhance their business mindset. Here are 5 of my recent favorites.

You can use these concepts and ideas to level up your business going forward. They range from confidence builders to boundary setters and they will all blow your mind! Let's jump in floral designers.

A positive mindset is essential to floral design. It takes guts to be in this business!

No. 1- It's your responsibilty as floral designers to convey value to customers.

First up is Lucylola.co with a buying handmade post. This post focuses on how to share all the creative efforts you put into your products. I highly recommend posting your own version of this on your website or Instagram page. Your customers will value your designs so much more when you take the time to authentically share all the heart, soul and effort that goes into them.

Lucylola via Instagram

No. 2- Rock success on your own terms

Katie Laura Ashton is up next with her fantastic illustration titled We are the Florists. It is a candid reminder that you are doing what you must to get through this and that's enough. Her insider's look into florist life is refreshing and eye-opening. This piece describes how you might be spending a lot of time playing the 'should've' game right now. So, stop and get right with yourself. Then start setting new goals, put systems in place to achieve them, and rock success on your own terms.


No. 3- Transform your mindset with positive language

Next up is Demetris Nicolaides, a counseling psychologist, with some of the most thought-provoking posts I've seen on Instagram. You can change your mindset and allow yourself room to learn, improve and seek help. One key to optimizing your mindset is to use positive language. Positive language opens you up to so many possibilities. Try the 3 alternative sentences below and then keep expanding your positive vocabulary a little bit each day. This post is a poweful promt to do the hard work of building your positive mindset. Knowing you'll stumble along your journey and having the strength to ask for help is an asset in business and in life.


No. 4- Floral designers must put in the reps

One of my favorite books is Atomic Habits and the author James Clear is posting a constant stream of powerful content on his feed. This one speaks for itself. Professionals take action even when they aren't in the mood. You can work with purpose when you put the reps in and focus! Consistent effort is key to being a trusted professional.

No. 5- Show up everyday for yourself

Lastly, you need to know that showing up and putting in the work is 90% of how you get ahead. You know that done is better than perfect, right? Keep showing up. Keep working. That doesn't mean work yourself into exhaustion. What it means is that when you continue to show up you continue to grow. Never quit!

Let me know what your favorite motivational instagram posts are below. I hope you found these to be impactful and that you'll consider how you can use them to improve your business mindset.

Until next time,



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