Unlimited access to all features for $24.99* a month

Flexible Flower Calculator

Start with your pre-determined retail price and build your recipes to value. Or build your ideal recipe, and let EveryStem calculate the retail price based on your wholesale flower costs, retail markup, and labor fee.

“It's magic. The calculator does all the flower math for me. I love it.”

-Christin, Clementine Botanical Art

Intuitive Flower Library

The magical cloud where all your flower ingredients are stored. Add new flowers in a snap, and then easily adjust the price, bunch quantity, and vendor name. Once a flower is entered, you can use it again and again. No more retyping flower information for every order!

“The library is a great way to remember my old favorites and a good place to keep track of new varieties I want to use. It’s also very helpful to keep track of wholesale prices.”

-Marie, Laurel and Vine

Customizable Event Template

You have the option to order your flowers by individual designs, sections of events, or the entire event. You can customize our event template to fit the unique needs of your business and your clients.

“The layout is great! I love being able to re-name the columns and delete the ones I don’t need.”

-Mallory, Lavender and Lily Floral

Copy Events Feature

Imagine this: you create an order for your client using EveryStem, and you execute the designs beautifully. Then, you share images from the event on your social media, gain new clients that want the same look, and simply use the copy events feature to adjust the original order and save a ton of time. Rinse and Repeat!

“I make a wedding template for each venue I work at mulitple times a year. Each template has the things that I need at that particular venue.”

-Alison Ellis, RealFlowerBusiness.com

Profit Summary at a Glance

A financial overview of your flower order is always at your fingertips with the click of the Profit Summary button. Your total costs, retail prices, and profit margin percentage is displayed clearly. You’ll use this information to create profitable flower recipes and accurate orders.

“This feature gives me a gut check at my profitability. I instantly know if my numbers are off and can course correct right away.”

-Gerilynn, Flux Floral

Export Feature

Once you’ve completed your order, export it. This is how you communicate your orders to your team and your floral vendors. The Vendor Export contains all the information required to order your wholesale flowers. Your team uses the Detail Export to execute your designs.

“One of my favorite features. This is especially helpful for organizing larger weddings with a team of freelancers because you can quickly see how the flowers need to be divided up when processing and designing. ”

-Mallory, Lavender and Lily Floral


New Features are our Jam!

We’ve launched 7 new features since our launch in April of 2021.

Our new Two Markups Feature allows you to add hard goods, supplies, rentals, and even flowers at two different markups!

Drag and Drop Functionality allows you to arrange the order of flowers on every page

Compact Display allows you to zoom in and out on pages with your browser

The Notes Feature allows you to hyperlink your images and add notes to every page

The updated create item modal allows you to create new items and add them to your events at one time

Our Swap Item Feature is getting rave reviews! And our new Recipe Export is a huge time saver!

These features were all requested by our members. More features coming soon. Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for updates on all of our new features!


You get all of these functional features and no fluff for an affordable price.

 Pick Your Plan

$24.99 per month or $249.99 per year.*

Pay annually and get 2 months free every year. That’s a 17% savings!

*USD Plus applicable sales tax if you are located in Texas.
By purchasing a plan, you agree to being charged on a recurring basis.

Every Stem Floral Design Program.jpeg

But, how does EveryStem actually work?

You’ll start by building your library of items and flowers. Input your flower and hard good names, their wholesale prices, vendors, and bunch quantities. You can enter them as you create new orders or enter them before you start to build recipes. Either way, once you’ve saved am item in your EveryStem library it is saved forever. No more typing flower names and information every time you need to place an order.

Then, you simply create a new event, add the flowers you want to use, and build your flower recipes. EveryStem calculates your retail prices and profit margin based on the wholesale prices you enter because they are specific to your business, your retail markup, and labor fee. Add your quoted price and EveryStem will calculate the difference between your retail price and the price you quoted your client. The smart platform even warns you if you are over-spending!

EveryStem will automatically total the quantities of flowers for your entire order and round up to the wholesale bunch quantities you’ve entered per flower. This saves you time and provides your vendors with accurate order quantities. Then when your order is complete, you simply export it and email it to your vendors of choice. If there are multiple vendors, EveryStem will provide a by-vendor order list for you. Then, use that same list to process your flowers when they arrive in your studio.

EveryStem also automatically displays the quantity of extra stems, so you can easily adjust your orders to minimize waste and maximize profits. Knowing how many extra stems you’ll have on hand and how much they cost helps you to determine your pricing and take control of your wasted product. It’s that simple.

You can choose to create unique recipes for every design, or with EveryStem’s flexible format, you can simply create a bulk wholesale order. No recipes required! EveryStem empowers your creative freedom on production days while controlling your wholesale costs and increasing your profit margin. You get to determine how much detail each order requires because you know your business and your clients best. EveryStem handles all the financial calculations for you.  You’ll use the profit summary feature to achieve your profit margin goals on every event. End the guesswork! Join EveryStem today.